First Day of School 2021

New Student Orientation Day on August 18th.

This is a full day of orientation for all Freshman, Transfer students, and International students.

  • Students are to wear the “Always a Bruin” T-shirt they will receive on Tuesday, August 10th.
  • Students are also encouraged to bring their class schedules and a Padua lock (or $6.50 to purchase one).
  • New student locker selection will occur this day.
  • The day will run from 7:58 am until 2:29 pm and school district provided busses will be in service.
  • A pizza lunch will be provided at no cost or, you may bring your own.
  • Incoming Freshmen schedules will be mailed the first week of August.

First day of classes for ALL students is August 19th.

  • All students should report to the gym at 7:58 am.
  • All students are expected to be in full Padua dress code (please see the below for important updates) on the first day of class.
    • Sweaters (of any kind) are not permitted.
    • Long sleeve cotton shirts (over or under the dress code top) are not permitted.
    • Padua-sanctioned crew neck sweatshirts are permitted to be worn over uniform tops.
    • Zippered (quarter, half or full) non-hooded, Padua sanctioned outerwear purchased through the Bruin Shop or by a Padua team, club or Athletic or Fine Arts Department is acceptable for wear over the uniform top.
    • No other hoodies, sweatshirts (crew necks included) or cold weather jackets may be worn.
    • Only low-cut shoes (of natural color-brown, black, blue, or gray (white shoes are not permitted) are permitted.
    • Tennis shoes of any kind are not permitted. This includes “Vans” tennis shoes (including those that are solid color).
    • For all other dress code policies please contact an administrator.
  • By this point, all students will have received their schedules via the USPS and should be in hand on the first day of class. If you did not receive a schedule, please contact the Business Office for further information.
  • School will end, like normal, at 2:29 p.m.

For returning students

  • Schedules will be available online through MyPad for upper-class students by August 9th. If you cannot access your child’s schedule, please contact the Business Office.
  • For students in need of a schedule change, counselors will be available on Thursday, August 12th from 8:30 am-3:00 pm, and on Friday, August 13th from 8:30 am-2:30 pm.
  • Parking Permit Applications for the 2021-2022 school year will be available through MyPad at the beginning of August. This will be the only way a student can purchase a Parking Permit.