Chromebook and Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Chromebook and Google Apps for Education FAQ
What is a Chromebook?
A Chromebook is a “netbook,” i.e. a laptop without an optical drive such as a DVD player/writer that runs the Google Chrome OS (Operating System).
Why can’t I use my own device at Padua?
Padua is committed to the continuation and growth of its 1-to-1 program for all students. By providing the same school-managed device, all security and management requirements are seamlessly integrated. This allows students to be up and running on another device in just a matter of minutes, and ensures the school maintains proper control over content filtering along with increasing security for everyone involved.
Do I own the Chromebook?
Until graduation, Chromebooks are owned by Padua, and they should be treated and cared for just as a textbook owned by the school would be. After graduation, students may claim ownership of their Chromebook by visiting the Help Desk and having their device removed from Padua’s management software along with restoring the device to factory default.
Do I get to keep the Chromebook after I graduate?
Yes. Graduates must visit the Help Desk to have their device removed from Padua’s management software and have their device restored to factory default.
What happens if I lose the Chromebook or charger?
If a Chromebook is lost, it is the student’s responsibility to track down the device and reclaim it. Oftentimes, when students leave Chromebooks behind in classrooms or public areas such as the cafeteria, a teacher will return it to the General Office. If not found within a week, administration will be notified and the student will likely be held responsible for purchasing a new Chromebook from the school. Lost chargers are solely the student’s responsibility and new chargers can be purchased from a retailer or from the school itself. If a Chromebook is stolen, a police report needs to be filed and administration should be notified. If the device isn’t retrieved within a timeframe set by the administration, the student will be required to purchase a new Chromebook from the school.
What happens if I damage the Chromebook or charger?
Students who damage their Chromebooks or chargers, either accidentally or deliberately, are responsible for visiting the Help Desk to have repairs performed. The Help Desk and administration will determine whether damage is deemed accidental or intentional, and all intentional damage will be billed to the student to pay for damages. Accidental damage may, at the Help Desk’s discretion, be waived one time during a school year. Repeat offenders will be billed for their subsequent repairs with no exception.
What if I forget to bring the Chromebook to school one day?
The student may visit the Help Desk and be issued a loaner for the day. IDs are required in order to be assigned a loaner. Failure to bring the Chromebook to school falls under the policy that the student is unprepared for class (similar to not bringing a textbook to school). Loaner devices must be returned to the Help Desk by the end of the day of issuance. Failure to return the loaner by 8:00am the following morning will result in disabling of both the loaner and the student’s Chromebook until the loaner is returned. Students who repeatedly forget their Chromebook are likely to have disciplinary action taken against them.
What if my Chromebook isn’t fully charged?
Students are required to take their Chromebook home every day for charging, and to bring it back to school each day. When fully charged, the Chromebook battery life will make it through at least an entire school day. Since the student will not be using the Chromebook persistently throughout the day, and the device is designed to sleep when idle, the Chromebook should never be without charge during the school day. If the Chromebook is not charging properly, the device will need to be inspected by the Help Desk to determine if the Chromebook or charger is defective. Otherwise, an uncharged battery falls under the policy that the student is unprepared for class, similar to not bringing a textbook to school. Students who frequently require charging at the Help Desk are likely to have disciplinary action taken against them.
How much storage does the Chromebook have?
Chromebooks will have 32 gigabytes of storage on the machine, plus another 10 gigabytes of online “cloud” storage that is attached to the student’s email and accessible via the Google Drive application. This should be more than enough space for class work each year.
What Operating System does a Chromebook run?
Google’s ChromeOS is a unique operating system that is very different from the standard executable-running Windows or Mac OS X. On ChromeOS, all applications (e.g. web browsing, document editing, music, games or instant messaging) run through the Google Chrome browser.
What is Google Apps and why is Padua using this platform?
Google Apps is a set of document creation and editing tools similar to Microsoft Office but utilizing a web-based interface. This allows the student to access and edit documents and email from any device with an Internet connection and web browser. Files are stored in “the cloud” and are always available when logged into a Google Apps account.
How do I use Google Apps? Is it hard to learn?
Google Apps is very similar to Microsoft Office and the school will provide training sessions for users who are interested. Many online videos and tutorials are available on YouTube and at
Will I be trained how to use the Chromebook and Google Apps?
At the beginning of the school year, all new students are trained on the basic management, creation, and collaborative features of Google Apps. This includes the use of Gmail and the Google platform. Additional training sessions will be available after school for those seeking assistance and advanced instruction.
Will I use the same Chromebook for four years? Will it get outdated? What about software updates and maintenance?
Chromebooks have very few moving parts in them and generate very little heat. It is not unrealistic to expect them to last all four years of high school and onward — as long as they are treated appropriately. Additionally, the devices have powerful processors, adequate memory, and automatically update to the latest software and security features without anything needing to be done by the student.
Will the Chromebook be used in every class?
Teachers are encouraged to implement the use of the device within their curriculum. Students are expected to bring Chromebooks to school every day and to take them home every night for recharging.
How do I carry my Chromebook with so many other books?
Always carry it on top of your books, being mindful that Chromebooks can be damaged by pressure from weight and drops. Chromebooks should never be transported while open, as this leaves them even more vulnerable to damage.
What accessories are permitted?
USB or wireless mouse, flash drive, headphones/earbuds (with teacher permission only in class), soft sleeve cases.
What devices can be connected to a Chromebook?
A Chromebook can connect to the following:
- USB storage devices, mice and keyboards
- SD cards
- External monitors and projectors (via HDMI)
- Headphones, earbuds, microphones
Can I print from my Chromebook?
No. Students may only print from computers available in the Library and Cafeteria. Digital online file sharing between staff and students is one of the great advantages of the Chromebooks, and it is an easy and efficient way to distribute and turn in assignments without printing. It also saves on paper, ink and toner use, thereby making ecological and financial sense.
Printing, when required by a teacher, may be done by logging into the student’s Google account on a Library, Cafeteria or home computer.
I already have a Gmail account, so can I use that?
No. Personal Gmail accounts do not provide access to the full suite of Google Apps for Education apps and websites used by Padua. The Google Apps email address each student will be issued is managed by the school and allows their data to be accessed on any school Chromebook or computer. In addition, accessing personal email on school devices is a violation of Padua’s Acceptable Usage Policy.
Is Google Apps replacing Microsoft Office Suite?
Microsoft Office is always an option if it is installed on your home computer. The Padua Library, Cafeteria, and Computers Labs will continue to provide access to the Office Suite as well. Files can be easily transitioned between Microsoft Office and Google Apps. The format for a particular assignment will be dictated by the teacher.
I’ve heard that Google Apps is not safe. Are there privacy concerns?
Please review the Google Privacy Policy:
Will I be able to access my work outside of Padua?
The Chromebook’s greatest value is as a cloud-based computing tool. This allows students to access their data stored in their Google account from anywhere an internet connection is available (ie. Home, Wi-Fi hotspots, Public Library…). By logging into their Google Apps for Education account, students can get access to their files from other types of devices such as tablets, smartphones and desktop computers almost anywhere.
How can I submit work or assignments via my Chromebook?
Google Drive has built-in features that allow work to be “shared” between teachers as well as collaboration with classmates. Students can create documents, spreadsheets, drawings, photos, presentations and even videos. Each item can be “shared” with a teacher prior to its due date. The teacher can then see the work on his or her own computer to review it or grade it for the student.
How can you prevent student copying and/or plagiarism?
The software allows Padua to ascertain if work is being copied between students.
Will different teachers have different classroom policies?
By their nature, some disciplines are more readily aligned with the use of a technology based learning environment. Teachers have the ability to provide their own policies in the classroom, which may differ from others.
Will e-books replace our textbooks?
Current textbooks with e-versions will be accessible in many cases but they are not guaranteed.
How much storage does the Chromebook have?
Chromebooks will have 16 gigabytes of storage on the machine, plus another 30 gigabytes of online “cloud” storage that is attached to the student’s email and accessible via the Google Drive application. This should be more than enough space for class work each year.
Can I upgrade or modify the hardware or software of the Chromebook? Can I boot to a flash drive, SD card or other operating system?
Modifications of hardware and software, including booting to an unsanctioned, unmanaged environment constitute violations of the Acceptable Usage Policy and may result in disciplinary action.
I know a useful app or Chrome extension not currently installed on the Chromebook, may I use it?
The addition of applications is managed by the Administration via requests. If you have an app you think would be useful, feel free to email the Help Desk to have it looked at.
Can my Chromebook get a virus?
No. The Linux-based operating system is optimized to run Chrome, and that’s it; PC executables (including viruses) cannot be installed or run on ChromeOS.
Is my data safe if my Chromebook crashes?
As a cloud-based computing device, no important data is stored on the device and most Google Apps save your work automatically as they are being worked on, so the risk of data loss is minimal.
What happens if my Chromebook freezes/fails?
Damaged or non-functioning devices should be turned in to the Help Desk so the unit can be inspected and repaired. Padua technology staff members can repair many problems in-house, which may take a day or two. Other problems may require the device to be sent out for repair, which can take several days or perhaps longer. Students who have their Chromebook out for repair will be issued a loaner that is expected to be taken care of just as the student’s own Chromebook. Students are NOT to attempt to repair the device.
What if my Chromebook is stolen?
In order to receive another Chromebook due to theft, the student’s parents must provide a copy of a filed police report. After this, a verdict will be reached with the insurance company on whether or not they will provide a replacement. Please keep in mind if a Chromebook is stolen from an unsecured location such as an unlocked car, insurance will not cover the replacement.
What happens if somebody else breaks my Chromebook?
Circumstances will be investigated on a case-by-case basis. School administration and local law enforcement may become involved if it is suspected to be an act of vandalism.
Do I keep the Chromebook over school breaks?
Yes; this is in keeping with the same policy as textbooks.
Do I keep my Chromebook over the summer?
No. Chromebooks will be turned in at the end of each school year for maintenance and refurbishing, and the same Chromebook will be re-issued at the start of the school year to returning students.
Will Internet access be blocked and/or restricted?
Yes. The focus of the 1-to-1 program is to enhance the academic environment of the school. Any use of the Chromebook that could be considered inappropriate based on School mission, School policy or Diocesan and legal requirements will be sanctioned. Students are responsible for keeping their device free from all inappropriate material or files that may compromise the integrity of Padua’s network, equipment, or software. Inappropriate web browsing is a violation of the Padua Acceptable Use Policy and may result in disciplinary action, including detention, suspension, or expulsion.
Can a legitimate website be unblocked? Can I suggest or request an app be added the Chromebook?
Any requests to unblock legitimate sites or add apps will be investigated and processed by Administration as presented by the Technical staff. Website or app requests can be sent to the Help Desk and will then be presented to Administration for approval.
Can I work without an Internet connection?
Chromebooks offer the ability to work on files offline, and then sync the files once the device is connected to the internet. USB ports and an SD card slot also offer additional storage to work offline from a flash drive or SD card, for example watching an instructional video off a flash drive while traveling on a bus. Saving to local storage such as an SD card or USB flash drive are often times more secure ways of working offline with less risk of losing work.