Padua students took their first steps into the world of multimedia broadcasting this spring with the launch of the Bruin Broadcast Network. Students at every grade level signed up to be a part of our first ever Broadcasting Club and met weekly to put together video broadcasts highlighting top stories, fun events, individual and team accomplishments, and tons of other newsworthy headlines from the Padua community. Premiering February 9, 2022 with anchors Samantha Willman ’24 and Rick Schuler ’25 at the news desk, the BBN quickly grew into a weekly staple amongst our student body, pioneering the popular “Meet the Teacher” trivia game originally conceived by freshman Isabel Svec ’25; frequent sports features filmed and edited by graduating seniors Dominic Lee ’22 and Serenity Ortiz ’22; and a variety of spotlight interviews and news segments cut together by a team of editors and on-screen talent just getting their feet wet in the world of journalism and video production. The BBN is evolving into a daily news show, broadcasting morning announcements live in the fall of 2022. Padua’s English Department will be offering a Multimedia Journalism elective in the spring of 2023.