Padua Franciscan
Padua Franciscan
Padua Franciscan
Padua Franciscan
Padua Franciscan
Padua Franciscan High School, founded in 1961, is an independent, co-educational, secondary school rooted in the Catholic and Franciscan traditions. As a college preparatory school, Padua offers programs to prepare students for a successful transition to post-secondary education.
Some, but not all, of Padua’s specific aims are:
- To foster the formation of a Christian educational community that can model healthy human interaction to the students, faculty, and staff as well as to the larger community of northeast Ohio.
- To teach religious studies emphasizing spiritual, intellectual, and experiential components of each person’s relationship with God.
- To provide opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to worship together as a Christian community.
- To encourage the personal, spiritual, and ethical development of each member of the educational community through a focused campus ministry program.
- To foster the intellectual development of each member of the educational community through curricular programs that are challenging and contemporary.
- To prepare students for careers and education beyond the secondary level.
- To support the continuing personal and professional development of faculty and staff.
- To implement programs that demonstrate a commitment to social justice.
- To sponsor social programs and events that allow students, faculty, and staff opportunities to interact and develop sound human relationships.
- To promote the importance of Catholic and Franciscan education within the larger community of northeast Ohio, especially through the alumni.